Tonsley Innovation District tour

Our members were thrilled to tour the Tonsley Innovation District with Philipp Dautel, Precinct Director from Renewal SA. Tonsley continues to grow, earning its place as one of the world’s most innovative and integrated high-tech manufacturing precincts. The amount of activity on site is inspiring along with the  passion of the people that work there. Thank you […]

Adelaide Abroad Networking event (#3 Eos Skycity)

We were lucky enough to have our latest Adelaide Abroad event held at the spectacular EOS by Skycity. We heard from Jodi Brown, General Manager at Eos, about her time abroad in various countries and cities and how these experiences led to her dream role right here in Adelaide. It was another great turnout so […]

UK Consul General visit

It was great to welcome new British Consul General Steph Lysaght, Deputy Consul General Catriona Boyd and their team on their visit to Adelaide who were in town learning more about our city and our state. Adelaide enjoys unique ties with the UK and the Committee for Adelaide was working hard behind the scenes to […]

Federal Shadow Minister for Cities visit

Great to host Federal Shadow Minister for Cities and Urban Infrastructure Andrew Giles both at a member function hosted by Deloitte and a roundtable lunch discussion hosted by Commercial & General. As well as these events, we organised for the Shadow Minister to visit precincts such as Lot Fourteen and the Tonsley Innovation District. These […]

Committee for Adelaide Board Planning Day

Adelaide’s status as a Well City will continue to drive the Committee for Adelaide’s activities in 2021 and beyond. Reaffirming the commitment to Well City at our recent planning day, our Board recognised that in this COVID era more than ever, wellness and wellbeing are significant attractors for global talent and business and pivotal to […]

PM’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction

Peter Verwer AO, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction, is determined to attract the world’s brightest and best to Australia and met with our members, including some of the State’s most prominent business and community leaders, to learn more about opportunities in Adelaide. Providing insights into his role, the Prime […]

Adelaide Abroad networking event (#2 Strathmore Hotel)

Thank you very much for attending our Adelaide Abroad Networking Event on Wednesday 17 February at the Strathmore Hotel. Our panel discussion set the tone for the evening where we heard from Annabel Stacy, Michelle Howie and Kārlis Antons on their experience abroad and their insights since moving (back) to South Australia. We will be […]

WellCity Adelaide Conference

As part of our Well City agenda, we were thrilled to support WellCity Adelaide’s A reset for Wellebing conference. At the event, our CEO enjoyed hosting an expert panel including Agent General Bill Muirhead, StudyAdelaide CEO Karyn Kent, International Well Building Institute APAC Vice President Jack Noonan and  Cyber Collaboration Centre CEO Hai Tran.

2020 wrap-up

Thank you to all our members and supporters who joined our end of year celebrations. We are grateful to end what has been an extraordinary year on a high note by doing what so many around the world are unable to – catch up in person. Special thanks to our guest speakers Urban Futurist, Stephen […]

Adelaide Abroad networking event (#1 Sparkke at the Whitmore)

After delays due to COVID, it was great to hold our first Adelaide Abroad networking event for the year with South Australian expats and skilled migrants who are helping drive the “brain gain” that Adelaide is experiencing. Led by our guest speaker Serafina Maiorano, who used to head up Advance and has recently returned from New York, […]