Emerging Leaders Lunch with Flavia Tata Nardini

In partnership with the University of Adelaide, this exclusive boardroom lunch saw our emerging leaders from our our Platinum member organisations hear from Flavia Tata Nardini, Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Fleet Space Technologies about her career journey.

Creating Adelaide University: The Opportunity for SA

In partnership with University of Adelaide and University of South Australia, on 31 July 2024 we hosted an engaging discussion about the unique opportunity to transform the higher education landscape in South Australia and have a positive impact that will transcend borders around the world.

Leaders Lunch Conversation with the Hon Catherine King MP

In partnership with the Adelaide Airport, we held a Leaders Lunch exclusively for our Platinum members, where we heard from The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government on Tuesday 23 July 2024.

Creative Economies and Career Pathways + Illuminate exclusive screening

Our Creative Economies and Career Pathways conversation held on 10 July focused explored the benefits of art ecosystems and career pathways for the creative economy, including the social, cultural and economic opportunities it they present for Adelaide, South Australia and also included a screening of Illuminate Adelaide’s Eden.

Future Workforce & Skills Conversation

In partnership with Deloitte and Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited our Future Workforce and Skills Conversation held on 12 June 2024 discussed the current and future talent, skills and workforce needs of Adelaide, South Australia.

Emerging Leaders Boardroom Breakfast with Pauly Vandenbergh

Our Emerging Leader cohort had the opportunity to hear from the incredible Pauly Vandenbergh, Director and Co-Founder of Tjindu Foundation, National Indigenous and Multicultural Engagement Manager at AFL, Owner Munda Wines and Founder of the Aboriginal Basketball Academy.