New member – Carclew

Welcoming Carclew as a Small Enterprise member of the Committee for Adelaide.

Carclew is the home of youth arts and creativity. It connects all children and young people to a world of creative possibilities, as artists, learners and audiences.  As Australia’s largest multi-artform cultural institution dedicated to children and young people, Carclew is a vital part of Australia’s youth arts and arts sector.

“Carclew has an ambitious strategy to amplify and elevate the youth arts sector in Adelaide, South Australia and nationally. Joining Committee for Adelaide now, with its important role in shaping the future of Adelaide, is the perfect partnership at the perfect time.

As holders of an important 52-year legacy in South Australia and at a point of renewal and revitalisation, we align closely with the work the Committee for Adelaide does in shaping the future of South Australia. After all, the future is already here. It’s just very young.” Mimi Crowe, Chief Executive, Carclew.

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