Welcoming Zen Energy as a Platinum member of the Committee for Adelaide.
ZEN stands for Zero Emissions Now. ZEN is accelerating Australia’s path to becoming a renewable energy Superpower and is Australia’s first electricity retailer to have a near-term science-based emissions reduction target in line with limiting global warming by 1.5°C. In the 5 years since they obtained their electricity retail license, ZEN has brought together a community of sustainability-driven customers (governments, businesses, industries, and residents), renewable energy suppliers and capital partners. Some of their key customers include the South Australian Government, CSIRO’s sites in New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia and the Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) which comprises twenty-five local councils in New South Wales, four of them in the top ten by size.
They have contracted renewable energy and environmental certificates from over 20 solar and wind farms and are actively growing our firmed renewable energy supply which includes delivering their own projects including the Solar River Project and the Templers Battery Project, both located in South Australia.
“ZEN Energy has joined the Committee for Adelaide to accelerate Adelaide and South Australia’s path to becoming a renewable energy and green economy superpower. As the only Australian energy company committed to capping global warming at 1.5°C, we remain focused on our mission and believe that our united efforts will catalyse significant change, propelling Adelaide into a future bolstered by the advantages of an economy powered by 100% renewable energy, said Anthony Garnaut, CEO, ZEN Energy.
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