Shaping the future
of Adelaide,
South Australia

Our membership is diverse and influential, making a significant contribution to South Australia’s economy and society.

The Latest

25 July 2024

5 Actions to Attract and Retain South Australia’s Future Workforce

The Committee’s ‘5 Actions to Attract and Retain South Australia’s Future Workforce’ sets out new and existing strategies to position Adelaide, South Australia as a destination of choice for skilled workers and future talent.

24 July 2024

Position on the Education Services for Overseas Students Amendment (Quality and Integrity) Bill 2024

Following the release of the Federal Government’s Draft International Education and Skills Strategic Framework, Committee for Adelaide CEO Sam Dighton has written to the Federal Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, and other relevant Federal MPs, to express our concerns regarding the recent proposal to place a cap on international students.  

23 July 2024

Leaders Lunch Conversation with the Hon Catherine King MP

In partnership with Adelaide Airport, we present our exclusive Leaders Lunch Conversation: Transport, Infrastructure and Regional Development, where guests will hear from The Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, to be held on Tuesday 23 July 2024.

Coming: 16 August 2024

Strong Australia Adelaide Business Luncheon and Panel Conversation

Join the Committee for Adelaide in partnership with the Business Council of Australia for the Strong Australia Adelaide Business Luncheon and Panel Conversation, to hear from leading local and national speakers, on Friday 16 August.

Coming: 26 July 2024

Emerging Leaders Networking Event with Dr Catherine Grace

In partnership with the University of Adelaide, we will be hosting an evening of networking for our emerging leader cohort at the Australian Space Discovery Centre on Friday 26 July with special guest Dr Catherine Grace, Director, South Australian Space Industry Centre.

Coming: 31 July 2024

Creating Adelaide University: The Opportunity for SA

On 31 July the Committee for Adelaide will be hosting an exclusive discussion on the creation of Adelaide University - representing the nation’s largest change to higher education in more than three decades.

Who is the Committee for Adelaide

The Committee for Adelaide brings together businesses, industry bodies, community and government to shape one of the most liveable cities in Australia.

We are non-partisan, independent and sector agnostic.

Our membership is diverse and influential, making a significant contribution to the economy and society. Our members collectively employ over 40,000 South Australians and all have a clear and vested interest in our future.


The Committee for Adelaide brings together businesses, industry bodies, community and government to shape the future of Adelaide, South Australia.

We are non-partisan, independent and sector agnostic.

Our membership is diverse and influential, making a significant contribution to South Australia’s economy and society.

Our Key Pillars


Unlocking the economic complexity and investment potential of SA to foster innovation, improve productivity and drive long-term and sustainable economic growth.


Creating a welcoming, inclusive, and diverse community, that prioritises wellbeing and attracts and retains the talent and skills required for current and future workforce needs.


Enhancing the amenity, infrastructure and liveability of Adelaide and regions, creating an exciting and progressive city.


Leading climate action on the way to Net Zero and managing the state’s water, waste, transport, energy, infrastructure, and environment in a sustainable way.

Our mission is to provide independent thought leadership, advocacy, and influence policy for the benefit of our state, both now and into the future.

Our vision for Adelaide, South Australia is to be the most extraordinary, big thinking, welcoming and vibrant place with a growing economy and population.

We work collaboratively with our members and partners, to discuss and develop innovative solutions that set us apart.

Ultimately, the actions we take now will impact our State and quality of life, health and wellbeing of our future generations.

Adelaide Connected

Adelaide Connected is a program powered by the Committee for Adelaide, designed for people who are considering a move to South Australia or have recently moved and want to learn more about our city, the opportunities, the lifestyle, and most importantly, the connections that can be made. We are here to help facilitate introductions and connect people to industry and other networks.

Adelaide Connected seeks to cement Adelaide’s reputation as a desirable place to live, study, work, invest and do business. We want to create a narrative for the State about people coming to here and to tap into the valuable international business and other networks of expats, foreign alumni, and people that have chosen Adelaide to live and work.

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