Adelaide United to set up Women’s Football Committee

Our CEO Jodie van Deventer has been announced as Chair of Adelaide United’s first Women’s Football Committee. The committee will work with stakeholders across South Australia, including Federal and State Governments, corporate supporters, Football South Australia, and local football clubs to foster greater opportunities for women in football. “Following Australia and New Zealand’s successful bid to […]

New member – Arup

Arup is an independent firm of designers, planners, engineers, architects, consultants and technical specialists, working across every aspect of today’s built environment. Together we help our clients solve their most complex challenges – turning exciting ideas into tangible reality as we strive to find a better way and shape a better world. “I see private […]

Working Group activity

We would like to welcome Milly Vorrasi as the new Chair of our Sustainability for our People working group and thank Mark Glazbrook for his time in this role, Pleasingly, Mark will remain an active contributor to this group helping guide and inform the Committee’s advocacy and policy work around migration. As Client Engagement Director […]

Crime Stoppers new crime solving ambassadors announced

Our CEO Jodie van Deventer is one of several South Australian top-level business and industry leaders announced as Crime Stoppers’ first group of Ambassadors. She is joined by Andrew Marshall, President of Master Builders SA , Philip Morton, Managing Director of Morton Philips and Martin Haese, CEO at Business SA. Read the full media release […]

New member: Don Dunstan Foundation

The Don Dunstan Foundation is a thought leadership organisation which convenes collaborative projects to inspire action for a fairer world. Its two principal projects are the Thinkers in Residence program and the Adelaide Zero Project. The Thinkers program brings big thinkers from around the world to Adelaide to offer insights on complex challenges while the […]

National advocacy for cycling and walking infrastructure

With bicycle sales booming locally and pop up bicycle lanes appearing across the globe as people take to ebikes, scooters and other modes of transport to avoid public transport during COVID-19, we’re joining a chorus of voices calling for a focus on safe and extensive bike and walking infrastructure. More than 100 health and transport experts […]

National advocacy for visa holders

This topic came up at our Sustainability for our People Working Group with participants expressing concern about about temporary visa holders and international students left without a safety net, many of whom are unable to go home or even receive money from overseas due to border and bank closures. Some of our members, such as Boomerang International Education […]

COVID-19: Committees for our Cities and Regions stand ready to support recovery

Committees representing more than twenty Australian and New Zealand cities and regions met via video link this week to discuss their contribution to assist their members with the current COVID-19 crisis and how to rebuild economic strength in the wake of the pandemic. More than ever we need to collaborate on solutions that will ensure our cities […]


Like others, the Committee for Adelaide is reviewing our work as the impacts of COVID-19 continue to be felt across our community. This public health issue is already having significant impacts on the South Australian economy and now more than ever, businesses and community groups must come together to minimise economic impacts and work on […]

South Australia’s 50 Most Influential People

Recently The Advertiser released its list of South Australia’s 50 most influential people as identified by their senior journalists. With almost a quarter of the non-political leaders on the list already invested in our work, the Committee is proud to work with some of South Australia’s leading thinkers and companies. Special mentions include our Chair Professor David Lloyd […]