Creative Economies and Career Pathways + Illuminate exclusive screening

Our Creative Economies and Career Pathways conversation held on 10 July focused on our key pillar of ‘Dynamic Vibrancy’.

Our panel discussed the benefits of art ecosystems and career pathways for the creative economy, including the social, cultural and economic opportunities it will present for Adelaide, South Australia.

We then got to experience first hand Adelaide’s premier winter festival, Illuminate Adelaide’s Eden at ILA which was an immersive masterpiece!

A big thank you to our key speakers Justyna Jochym, CEO, Festival City Adelaide, Rachael Azzopardi, Co-Founder and Creative Director, Illuminate Adelaide, Associate Professor Tully Barnett, Creative Industries, College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University and Becc Bates, Director Creative Industries, Arts South Australia, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia.

Thank you also to our event partners Flinders University and Illuminate Adelaide and wine partner Hentley Farm for making the event possible.

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