Shaping futures: Youth Forum
It was great to partner with the Adelaide chapter of the Global Shapers Hub on an intergenerational Youth Forum, curated by young people. Some of South Australia’s most influential leaders were able to hear from a group of 18-30-year-old leaders (as well as a talented 8 year old) about their experiences and where they see […]
Tactical Urbanism – Making it happen
Thank you to all who came to our first face-to-face event since March. It was great to see everyone in person and connect in a more meaningful way. We welcomed Joanne Carmichael, Sub Regional Lead for Advisory, Planning and Design NSW and ACT at Arup who reflected on Arup’s Tactical Urbanism: Making it happen paper […]
Webinar: A State of Purpose – SA’s history and future is co-operative
In our latest webinar we delved into the world of co-operatives and mutuals with Melina Morrison CEO, Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals who spoke about the history and future of co-operative and mutual businesses across many industries in South Australia. We also gained valuable insights from local organisations who are successfully using these models […]
Webinar: Future of education with Rick Persse
Thank you to Rick Persse, Chief Executive, Department for Education, South Australia for taking the time to address our members in what was an informative and open discussion about education in South Australia. We share his view that we must give young people the best start possible, develop a world-class education system and involve businesses […]
Top 50 SA Influencer recap
Of note is the consistency between the ideas raised on the day and the vision of the Committee for Adelaide and other organisations, particularly in terms of sustainability, telling our brand story and targeted but significant population growth. The Committee’s vision for Adelaide is an “extraordinary, sustainable and vibrant global city that people from all over the world want to be a part of and those […]
Webinar: Space and what it means for South Australia
This webinar was truly out of this world! Led by Mike Kalms from KPMG Australia, our stellar panellists included Andrea Boyd, an International Space Station Flight Controller stationed at the European Astronaut Centre, Anthony Murfett, Deputy Head of the Australian Space Agency and Professor Andy Koronios, CEO of the SmartSat CRC. We heard about opportunities […]
Webinar with Neville Power and Senator Anne Ruston
We heard first hand about Australia’s COVID-19 recovery from the person leading the nation’s efforts Neville Power, Chair of the National COVID-19 Coordination Commission (NCCC) and South Australian Senator Anne Ruston, Minister for Families and Social Services. While the challenges ahead are enormous, opportunities will continue to arise as we turn our attention to rebuilding. […]
Webnar with Andrew Leunig
Thank you Andrew Leunig for a fascinating and thought-provoking discussion with our members. With our nation “financialising” most things, adopting a shallow rather than complex industry mix and people buying things they often don’t need, the stage has been set for a massive shakeup. Let’s adopt a design (rather than economic) led recovery as we […]
Webinar with Tim Williams
Our webinar with Dr Tim Williams, Australasian Cities Leader at Arup, explored the future of urban environments post COVID-19. Will cities continue in their current form or will we see villages within cities emerging and the rise of suburbia or “superbia”? Challenging, enlightening and entertaining, Tim’s thought provoking presentation covered everything from the rise of […]
Virtual drinks
It was certainly different to our previous events but our Virtual Drinks was a great chance to see some familiar faces and catch up with members. For us, it’s important to keep the communication going and to keep sharing experiences, problems, ideas and wins along the way as a community to help get through the […]