Boomerang Club Launch
The Committee for Adelaide has been working closely with Adelaide Abroad to develop their first initiative, the Boomerang Club which was launched with great enthusiasm. The aim of the Boomerang Club is to help South Australian “boomerangs” (expats who have returned home) and “arrows” (international folk who have chosen South Australia as their new home) […]
Welcome 2018
Our Welcome 2018 event was a chance for members and partner organisations to meet our new Chair James Blackburn, find out about the Committee for Adelaide’s agenda for 2018 and – in the lead-up to the most unpredictable election South Australia has faced in years – hear from two of South Australia’s leading political experts […]
Political lunch: Premier Jay Weatherill
It was great to have Premier Jay Weatherill to lunch with Committee for Adelaide members for an intimate round-table discussion. A big thank you to PwC Adelaide for hosting. This lunch concluded our series of political lunches with our State’s leaders which have given our members valuable insights in the lead up to the state […]
Political lunch: Nick Xenophon
Our series of political boardroom lunches continued with an excellent roundtable discussion with SA BEST leader Nick Xenophon and Senator Rex Patrick. In the lead up to the state election, these lunches are providing our members with an opportunity to engage in intimate and constructive discussions with our state’s leaders. A big thank you to […]
Political Lunch: Steven Marshall
While as an organisation we are a-political, we engage closely in the political process and organised a series of boardroom lunches with our State’s leaders in the lead up to the election in March 2018. First up was Opposition Leader Steven Marshall with numerous issues discussed ranging from infrastructure to exports, population growth, the public […]
Chuck Wolfe: Seeing the Better City
It was a pleasure to bring Chuck Wolfe to Adelaide for the Festival of Architecture and Design as part of 2017 Open state. Chuck Wolfe is from Seattle and spoke about his new book, Seeing the Better City where he highlights how the perspective of the observer is key to understanding the dynamics of urban […]
Thinker in Residence: Allyson Hewitt
It was great to partner with the Don Dunstan Foundation and introduce our members to Thinker in Residence Allyson Hewitt who shared inspiring ideas to make Adelaide a centre of social innovation.
Sanjeev Gupta lunch
It was an honour to introduce our members to Sanjeev Gupta, Executive Chairman of the GFG Alliance at a lunch which was hosted by Minter Ellison.
Adelaide Riverbank event
This event was a great opportunity for our members to get an overview and hear from the people charged with creating a new future for the Riverbank, Andrew McEvoy Chair Riverbank Authority.
Thinker in Residence: Suzi Sosa
How can Adelaide be a leader in the social economy? Great corporate roundtable discussion with Don Dunstan Foundation and thinker in residence Suzi Sosa.