Bigger. Bolder. Better.

It was great to share with our members our major project for 2020 and beyond – Bigger. Bolder. Better. – that will change our city’s narrative and provide a critical economic advantage, helping shape a better future. Off the back of last year’s Vision for Adelaide which looked at the type of city we’d like […]

Women’s Network Group

The Committee for Adelaide’s Women’s Network Group is continuing in 2020 and our first guest speaker of the year was Erma Ranieri, Commissioner for Public Sector Employment. Erma shared her experiences on private, not-for-profit and government boards and gave the group some tips on how to find a board role in an organisation doing work you’re passionate […]

Adelaide Abroad Launch

A program designed to connect with expats, skilled migrants and others living interstate or overseas or newly arrived in Adelaide. We are excited to help people who are considering their next job and/or lifestyle opportunity in South Australia. A special shout out to Genevieve Theseira-Haese and Valdis Dunis for originally coming up with the concept […]

Women’s Network Group

The Committee for Adelaide has started a women’s network group, designed to support and encourage women seeking board or committee roles who may not necessarily have the contacts or knowledge to do so. Our inaugural event featured Ruth Ambler from the Department of Premier and Cabinet who spoke about arrangements for boards and committees generally, […]

A Vision for Adelaide launch

Thank you to our members and supporters for helping us launch A Vision for Adelaide – a document resulting from our planning day held earlier this year. Designed to stimulate conversation and spark ideas, this vision is a “living document” which will continue to evolve as our city evolves. We encourage everyone to take ownership and […]


We are proud to be supporting SEVENTEENx Adelaide hosted in partnership with Teaspoons of Change South Australia – an event aimed at engaging the business world with the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Hear from four amazing social innovators, entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, and business operators from Adelaide telling their story of purpose and impact. Each […]

Strong Australia Network Adelaide business lunch

Thank you to the Business Council of Australia for bringing its Strong Australia Network lunch series to Adelaide, which we enjoyed hosting. An outstanding panel of national speakers – Business Council of Australia CEO Jennifer Westacott, WSP Australia & New Zealand President & CEO Guy Templeton, ANZ Group executive Australian Business & Private Banking Mark Hand, University of […]

Committees for Cities & Regions Network

We were in Ballarat in March for the Committees for Cities and Regions Network meeting. This network is a valuable resource and continues to grow in reach and influence with the Committee for Brisbane (formerly the Brisbane Development Association) the most recent addition. Eighteen organisations across Australia and New Zealand are part of the network. Image: […]

Brexit – What it means for Australia

Our CEO Jodie van Deventer joined an expert panel, organised by the Australian British Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the latest on Brexit. Despite the uncertainty, it’s clear that the strong ties between Australia and the UK will continue to play an important role in our economy. Image (L-R): Paul O’Hagan, Bill Cole, Prof Richard […]

University of Adelaide strategic plan

Thanks to the University of Adelaide for giving our CEO Jodie van Deventer the opportunity to present to their leadership team in the wake of the release of their new Strategic Plan. Their plan Future Making will shape their trajectory through to their 150th year (in 2024) and beyond and help connect South Australia to […]